What is Craniosacral Therapy effective for?

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  • 12 Dec 2019
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Among Craniosacral Therapy’s largest patient groups are those suffering chronic symptoms that haven’t been aided by other approaches. In particular, Craniosacral Therapy is beneficial to those with head, neck or back injuries, or stress-related dysfunctions. Insomnia, fatigue, headaches including migraines, poor digestion, anxiety, fibromyalgia and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction are just a few examples. Craniosacral Therapy works to reverse the debilitating effects of stress by providing the conditions in which the nervous system can rest and rejuvenate. This capacity to reduce stress is leading an increasing number of people to include CST as part of their wellness routines.

It can be used as a preventive measure. Balancing the rhythm of this system helps all the systems of the body, including the immune system, function more efficiently.

Maintaining good health and fighting disease and pain depend on the vitality of your body’s internal systems. Due to its gentleness and effectiveness, many people include CST as a component in their personal wellness program. They report having more energy, sleeping better and being sick less often.

CST has emotional benefits as well. It has been shown to be effective in alleviating the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Recent work has provided relief of constricted areas along the membranes of the systems that hold emotional trauma. Victims of assault and other severe traumatic experiences treated with CST have obtained relief through the release of muscle tension that encapsulates the emotions and memories in the tissue of the craniosacral system.