Summary: A 16 year old boy, Sonny brought in by his dad concerned about his son’s decline in academic performance as well as his attitude in general. He grew increasingly helpless as he noticed his son’s behaviour worsen towards everyone. After taking a client history, without much talking, we started our session. I made it […]
Read MoreSummary: 52 year old female visited me with moderate to severe chronic lower back pain attributed to an accident 20 years prior. She was on and off pain medication to manage her pain. Her doctor also recommended that she wear a back brace. She generally experienced little to no relief except when on medication. […]
Read MoreSummary: 31 year old female visited me with severe acute pain behind her shoulder blade which started a few days prior to seeing me. CST session During my assessment I found that she was in severe pain and her breathing was shallow and movement significantly restricted. With my focus on the area of pain, the […]
Read MoreSummary: 65 year old male was brutally shot in his home. His injuries resulted in him having to undergo multiple surgeries to rebuild his bones and repair severed nerves. Months after his surgery and physiotherapy, he still had limited movement in his left arm as well as reduced strength in his right overall. Through […]
Read MoreAmong Craniosacral Therapy’s largest patient groups are those suffering chronic symptoms that haven’t been aided by other approaches. In particular, Craniosacral Therapy is beneficial to those with head, neck or back injuries, or stress-related dysfunctions. Insomnia, fatigue, headaches including migraines, poor digestion, anxiety, fibromyalgia and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction are just a few examples. Craniosacral […]
Read MoreClients often experience a sense of ‘release’ as they unfold past experiences and traumas. This release can be challenging and empowering at the same time as shifting the boundaries of our individual limiting realities can be daunting. They no longer have to carry their past with them and live within the limits of their experiences, […]
Read MoreOne usually experiences a deep sense of relief coupled with a sense of calm and serenity. Clients are often challenged to untangle deeply buried trauma often unraveling to their full potential as the blockages fall like dominoes. Experiences are as varied as the individual is and can sometimes be subtle or profound.
Read MoreThis gentle form of reflective holding therapy aims to get to the root of the issues we’ve manifested through our experiences. A Craniosacral therapist is trained to ‘listen’ deeply through all the ‘clutter’ find and allow the body to unwind towards relief. Gentle enough for newborn babies, Craniosacral Therapy facilitates the body’s natural inclination towards […]
Read MoreAfter a taking a comprehensive client history, the therapist will ask the client to lay down as they start the process of assessing and settling in. A typical session will start with gentle ‘tuning in’ at the feet and work his way to the head. As the session progresses, clients may gently fall in and […]
Read MoreCraniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the Craniosacral System. CST has proven to be effective in treating various ailments including chronic pain, scoliosis, motor coordination impairments and learning disabilities, as well as other physical and psychological problems.
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